Real Results

We will complete your fitness assessment in accordance with the WA Police Force Academy requirements.

Each assessment will be supervised by one of our qualified Trainers



Agility Test

Speed & Agility / Change of Direction / Mobility


Sit-Up Test

Abdominal / Core Strength / Lower Back Mobility


Push-Up Test

Upper Body Strength / Endurance / Core Strength


Bag Lift and Carry

Lower Body & Upper Body Strength / Core Strength


Grip Strength

Grip Strength


Beep Test

Cardiovascular Fitness / Physical Efficiency


1. Modified Illinois Agility Test

The modified illinois agility test is a maximal capacity test used to assess your ability to change direction under speed. It requires the applicant to move their body in space accurately and rapidly via changes of speed and direction within a horizontal plane.

Speed and Agility

Change of Direction


Pursuing Offenders

Effecting Arrest

Negating Obstacles

The applicant lies down on his/her stomach, head and hands behind the start line with chest in contact with the ground. Feet can be in any position that will get you off the ground the fastest as long as the chest stays in contact with the ground. See diagram.

On the call of “Ready -Go”, the applicant is required to get up as quickly as possible and sprint from the START line to a FAR line that is 9.14 metres away. The applicant runs around a small cone (coloured red in below image) placed on the line and then sprints back to the start line.

The applicant runs around the green cone situated on the START line before completing a zigzag pattern by weaving through a series of cones (coloured green) to the FAR line. The applicant runs around the green cone situated on the FAR line before returning in the same manner. NB When commencing the first zigzag, applicants run to the right of the first cone.

The applicant then repeats a straight-line sprint to the FAR line where after running around the small cone on the line, he/she then sprints to the FINISH line to complete the test.

The timer is started on the call of “Go” and stopped when the applicant crosses the finish line.

Agility Maximal – Allowable

Male 20.00 Seconds

Female 22.00 Seconds

  • Does not complete within the required time
  • Runs the course the wrong way i.e. forgets to weave on the way back
  • Makes contact with any of the cones
  • Does not run two feet around the outside of all cones

Applicants are provided with two attempts in this test. If they are successful on their first attempt then they do not require the second attempt, however if they are unsuccessful on the first attempt than they are allowed the second attempt.

2. Abdominal Strength Test/ Sit-up

The abdominal strength test requires the applicant to lie on the floor on their back with both arms crossed over the chest with hands in contact with the shoulders. The knees must be raised up to an angle of approximately 90 degrees, keeping both feet flat on the

Core Strength
Lower Back mobility

Ability to Safely carry Police Accoutrements
Injury Prevention

The applicant is required to sit up, bringing their elbows up to the knees. Both feet must remain in contact with the ground throughout the sit-up. Feet are not to slip/slide or lift off the ground. See diagram.

Only one sit-up is required to pass

Each applicant is given three attempts to achieve competency. If an applicant is not successful after the third attempt they will not be able to participate in the bag lift test due to an identified risk of potential injury.

are allowed the second attempt.

3. Push-up

Applicants are required to perform 10 push-ups. This task will assess upper body strength in a pushing phase and the individual’s ability to support their body weight.

Upper Body Strength/Endurance
Core Strength

Obstacle Negotiation
Handling Offenders
Effecting Arrest Safe use of Police Accoutrements

The applicant must begin in the ‘up’ position on toes, whilst keeping legs straight and feet together. The arms should be straight with hands slightly wider than shoulder distance. The individual will lower their body until the arms are at a 90 degree bend or less, keeping the body straight at all times and then returning to the start position. This counts as one repetition. Applicants must keep the body straight, lower sufficiently, fully return to the start position and/or pause for no longer than 3 seconds between repetitions. See diagram.


Male 10

Female 10

A limit of three consecutive unsuccessful push-ups will apply. If the applicant performs three successive pushups utilizing incorrect technique they will be deemed not competent in the test. If an applicant is not showing correct form they will be provided with feedback during the test. Only one attempt is given for this test.

4. Grip Strength

An adjustable dynamometer is used to measure grip strength. The individual, using a hammer grip, will grip the apparatus commencing with their dominant hand and then progressing to their non-dominant hand. The arm stays by their side with a 90 degree bend at the elbow. The applicant squeezes as hard as possible for approximately 3 seconds.

Grip Strengthy

Safe use of Police Accoutrements
Handling Offenders

dling Offenders

An adjustable dynamometer is used to measure grip strength. The individual, using a
hammer grip, will grip the apparatus commencing with their dominant hand and then
progressing to their non-dominant hand. The arm stays by their side with a 90 degree
bend at the elbow. The applicant squeezes as hard as possible for approximately 3
See diagram.

Two attempts may be conducted on each side with a minimum of 30kg on both left and
right sides required for competency in the test. The second attempt will only be used if
the applicant is unsuccessful on the first attempt you are allowed the second attempt.

5. Bag lift and carry (35kg)

Applicants are required to lift a 35kg aqua bag with correct lifting technique. Once they have lifted the bag they are to walk with it at hip height for a distance of 20 metres and place it safely on a table approximately 70cm in height. The applicant is only allowed to walk with the bag.

Lower Body Strength/Endurance
Upper Body Strength/Endurance
Core Strength

Handling Offenders
Effecting Arrest
Manual Handling

Applicants are required to lift a 35kg aqua bag with correct lifting technique. Once they have lifted the bag they are to walk with it at hip height for a distance of 20 metres and place it safely on a table approximately 70cm in height. The applicant is only allowed to walk with the bag.

See diagram.

  • An applicant can be deemed unsuccessful in this test for any of the following reasons:
  • Incorrect lifting technique,
  • Inability to carry the bag in a safe manner
  • The bag is dropped at any time during the test.

Applicants are provided with two attempts in this test. If they are successful on their first attempt then they do not require the second attempt, however if they are unsuccessful on the first attempt than they are allowed the second attempt.

6. Beep Test

The beep test is a test designed to assess cardiovascular fitness. This exercise is
carried out on a flat, non-slip surface between two lines 20 metres apart. Applicants are required to run between the markers in time with a CD or iPod. See diagram.

Cardiovascular Fitness
Physical Efficiency

Dealing with Resisting Offenders
Working Under Duress
Ability to walk long distances over an extended period of time (foot patrols)
Activities of daily living

The beep test is a test designed to assess cardiovascular fitness. This exercise is
carried out on a flat, non-slip surface between two lines 20 metres apart. Applicants are required to run between the markers in time with a CD or iPod.

Beginning at Level 1, applicants must progress through each level and the required
number of laps to the minimum level required for their age and gender.

Recruit Applicants

Males Level 7.01

Females Level 6.01

Only one attempt is given for this test.

are allowed the second attempt.