Fitness Test
We will conduct your fitness assessment in accordance with the WA Police Force Academy requirements. Each assessment will be supervised by one of our qualified trainers.
What Does Your Assessment Include
Agility Test
Speed and Agility / Change of Direction / Mobility
Sit-Up Test
Abdominal /
Core Strength /
Lower Back Mobility
Push-Up Test
Upper Body Strength / Endurance /
Core Strength
Grip Test
Grip Strength
Bag Lift and Carry
Lower and Upper Body Strength /
Core Strength
Beep Test
Cardiovascular Fitness / Physical Efficiency
Lets Break Each Section Down
01. Modified Illinois Agility Test
The modified illinois agility test is a maximal capacity test used to assess your ability to change direction under speed. It requires the applicant to move their body in space accurately and rapidly via changes of speed and direction within a horizontal plane.
02. Abdominal Strength Test / Sit-Up
The abdominal strength test requires the applicant to lie on the floor on their back with both arms crossed over the chest with hands in contact with the shoulders. The knees must be raised up to an angle of approximately 90 degrees, keeping both feet flat on the ground.
03. Push-Up Test
Applicants are required to perform 10 push-ups. This task will assess upper body strength in a pushing
phase and the individual’s ability to support their body weight.
04. Grip Strength
An adjustable dynamometer is used to measure grip strength. The individual, using a hammer grip, will
grip the apparatus commencing with their dominant hand and then progressing to their non-dominant
hand. The arm stays by their side with a 90 degree bend at the elbow. The applicant squeezes as hard as possible for approximately 3 seconds.
05. Bag Lift and Carry (35kg)
Applicants are required to lift a 35kg aqua bag with correct lifting technique. Once they have lifted the bag they are to walk with it at hip height for a distance of 20 meters and place it safely on a table approximately 70cm in height. The applicant is only allowed to walk with the bag.
06. Beep Test
The beep test is a test designed to assess cardiovascular fitness. This exercise is carried out on a flat, non-slip surface between two lines 20 meters apart. Applicants are required to run between the markers in time with a CD or iPod. See diagram.